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How safe is it to use a Samsung smart TV?


How safe is it to use a Samsung smart TV?

Hey. I got a Samsung Smart TV (because it seems there are no more plain monitor TVs). But I never connected it to the wi-fi as I am concerned by some reports about Samsung tvs recording audio, sending info back to Samsung, etc.
Since it's here anyway, is there a safe way to connect it ? Or should I just keep using as a second monitor? Is there some literature about it?





Hell of a question for a Sony Community. Are you sure you are in the right place?


But look, here you are, in the howling gale of the World Wide Web, on an Internet Community, voluntarily sharing information about yourself.


Why strain at a gnat (as if Samsung even cared about your over-breakfast bant, even if they could listen in?) and swallow the camel of being out here on a browser, where the black hats are only ever a couple of clicks away?

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…