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KD55X9005CBU 5.1 question, sorry if been answered before


KD55X9005CBU 5.1 question, sorry if been answered before

Hi all, i have just purchaed a sony KD55X9005CBU. I have read some other posts but am still a bit confused with the 5.1 out put from the tv , i am hoping if i explain, you can explain to me in basic language for someone like me :slight_smile: . At moment i have free sat box, and an amazon prime box plugged directly into my amp for the sound with optical cables . I have also just purchased a sony bdp 6500 blue ray player .. When the new tv arrives will i be able to have all these connected to the tv with hdmi, and just one optical from tv to surround sound system, and it will out put all in 5.1 ?, or am i best to just have seperate opticals to surround sound system as i have now . would be nice to just have one cable from tv . thanks for your time.

Not applicable

Hi there


The TV should pass-though 5.1 via optical to your sound system.  You might need to change the digital audio out in the sound settings to Auto2 or PCM.

