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Sony KD55XE8505BAEP - Can't see the ball when watching football


Sony KD55XE8505BAEP - Can't see the ball when watching football

Hey guys!

I recently bought this TV, and the guys at the store recommended me this tv, and my preferences was that i mostly watch live football and other live games. 

The problem im having is that the ball is "teleporting" when its going fast. When a player shoots, i can't see the ball untill it slows down, or hits something. This problem tho, is only occuring when im wathcing through my Chromecast Ultra. The picture quality is perfect, but the ball is the only problem. I've tried a lot of diffrent settings, and it's still not working. I have this one fucntion in the Action menu, and it's called Live football mode. When i use that, the problem gets 100 times worse. Why is that, and how can i fix that?


Ive concluded with this. There is some settings i can't find, since the TV should be good for watching sports. 

Have anyone of you guys ever experienced the same, or know any fixes that might help with my problem?


If i set the Motion to 0, it's watchable. It feels kinda laggy, but i can at least see the ball