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Use Satellite Input

Use Satellite Input

Like many people I have an Android TV with a Satellite Input. I’ve never used it for anything, also not uncommon I’d imagine. 


I jist had had a thought though: could I use the input for something… so I googled for HDMI to satellite converter… just loads of converters in the opposite direction. 


I found HDMI to standard coaxial converters, but I’m guessing they wouldn’t work for satellite coaxial? In the absence of being able to find the right words to search for the right device I thought I’d ask if anyone knew of one? Thanks!


The other thing I just thought of is Airplay or Chromecast as the receiver and satellite (preferably) or standard coaxial out.

@Ebebebeb wrote:

The other thing I just thought of is Airplay or Chromecast as the receiver and satellite (preferably) or standard coaxial out. 

Presumably you have a problem you are trying to solve here, and have thought of this as a possible solution.


But if we go back to basics, what is the actual problem you are trying to solve?


It’s hard to think there couldn’t be a better way, if we knew what you were trying to achieve.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

take a video (HDMI or Airplay/Chromecast) and display it on the TV using the satellite input.

@Ebebebeb wrote:

take a video (HDMI or Airplay/Chromecast) and display it on the TV using the satellite input.

If you have run out of HDMI ports, your best bet will be to get a 2-into-1 HDMI combiner.


I still don’t quite know what problem you are trying to solve though.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

I don’t know how to be clearer about the problem. I want take a signal (HDMI or cast) and convert it to a signal the satellite tuner can use. A HDMI combiner would not do that. I do not want to combine. I wish to convert. As HDMI is 2 way I doubt they can be combined anyway. Split maybe.

@Ebebebeb wrote:
I don’t know how to be clearer about the problem. I want take a signal (HDMI or cast) and convert it to a signal the satellite tuner can use. A HDMI combiner would not do that. I do not want to combine. I wish to convert. As HDMI is 2 way I doubt they can be combined anyway. Split maybe.

OK, I will rephrase. The above isn’t the root problem, it’s a suggested solution that itself is a problem because you can’t find such a device.


So what’s the root problem? What is it you can’t do now that you would be able to do if you could get such a converter working? Or are you trying to do this just for the hell of it?


If it’s not that, but there is a root problem, then I think it can only be that you haven’t got enough HDMI ports on your TV for all the HDMI devices you want to connect.


And the HDMI to RF modulator approach, which there is kit to do, and would use the otherwise unused analogue tuner on your TV, would produce a massive drop in quality, while a satellite signal can carry 4K.


But you can get HDMI combiners - here’s one - which may be an altogether simpler solution to your root problem.


Though if you really really want HDMI to DVB-S or DVB-S2 - you decide which - here’s a perfect solution. No idea what it costs, or what of their ancillary kit you need with it, but if you get in touch with them, I’m sure they can advise you, and give you a quote.


There are other providers of this sort of thing, and the Google search term ‘HDMI to DVB-S’, with or without ‘converter’, ‘convertor’ or ‘modulator’ added, brings them up, after which you can weed out the results that are not really for what you want.



My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…