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Wondering about HBO/ViaPlay

Wondering about HBO/ViaPlay

I have no idea how this TV-business works, but I just wonder .. Sony must sell millions and millions TV´s worldwide, and still as far as I know there is no working app for either HBO Nordic or ViaPlay.


One should think that Sony wants to sell as many TV´s as possible with as many great apps as possible, and one should also think that TV-providers like HBO and Via would like as many as possible to use their apps and subscribe to their services.


And yeat again. No HBO or ViaPlay on Android TV for Sony.


But for some strange reason Amazon Prime has appeared on my TV ...

I just wondered ...

Not applicable

Hi there


I am sure Sony would love to have these catchup players on their TVs.  But at the end of the day, it is not up to Sony.  It is up to the actual companies themselves whether they want to spend money and develop the apps for the Android TV platform.


Same reason why NowTV (in the UK) is not installed on the TV:


I would recommend you contacting HBO Nordic and Viaplay - even to show that there is a 'call' for it.  The more people that do, they might listen.

