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Using HDR-CX405 to stream - Does it have a clean hdmi out?


Using HDR-CX405 to stream - Does it have a clean hdmi out?



I'm planning on doing some streaming, and i need a camera for it. I've been checking out the HDR-CX405 (My budget isn't too big), and i'm planning to connect it to a Elgato Game Capture HD via hdmi. Do you guys have any idea if it'll work? I've been trying to figure out if the camera can send a clean hdmi (without the icons), but haven't found any solid info.


I've also heard that some Sony camcorders can stream directly with usb, but i haven't found a list of which cams can do that.


Not applicable

Hi there,


Hopefully a community member has had some experience with this and can help.


Best wishes,


I know the original post is quite old, just purchased and wasn't able to get a clean HDMI output.

I contacted Sony support and they stated:

"I understand that you have inquiry about the clean HDMI output of the camera. 

We appreciate the opportunity to respond. The Sony HDR-CX405 does not support clean HDMI output. When camera is connected to an external monitor via HDMI cable, you will get an icons such as "REC" and the volume level. Thank you for understanding."


Yes, the Sony CX-405 does have a clean HDMI out. I was able to use it with an Elgato HD 60 S video capture device. The video of the pinball playfield was made using the CX-405 and the Elgato HD 60 S.

David Johnston, Is That You? David Johnston (DLD) plays a single 29-minute game of Total Nuclear Annihilation (TNA) pinball on February 23, 2021 in Issaquah, Washington. SPECIALS!! OBS output 3840x2160 (4k) at 60 fps using an overhead Sony CX-405 and a webcam for the player, both 1080 x 1920 @ 60fps

Yes and no! Don't ask me why but when I connect it to a TV it shows the info, menus, etc, BUT when connecting it through an HDMI Capture Card (this one: it gives me a nice, clean, image. I'm guessing there's some kind of signaling in the HDMI protocol that lets the camera know what is it connected to.

The picture is a 'selfie'of the capture card taken with the HDR-CX405.WIN_20210424_22_52_38_Pro.jpg