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Cyber Shot DSC-HX50V Illustrationsfunktion


Cyber Shot DSC-HX50V Illustrationsfunktion

(Question in English at the bottom of the page)

Liebe Community, vor meiner letzten Reise muss meine Enkelin die Kamera in der Hand gehabt und fröhlich an den Knöpfen gespielt haben. Der Erfolg: eine ganze Reihe Bilder ist im Illustrationsmodus mit  stark hervorgehobene Konturen gespeichert.

Da ich nach Download auf den PC in der Vorschau diese Bilder in der Normalansicht sehe, aber beim Öffnen in der Illustrationsansicht, vermute ich, dass es irgendeine Möglichkeit gibt, sie auch in der Normalansicht zu öffnen und weiter zu bearbeiten.
Habt ihr irgendeinen Tipp für mich?
Vielen Dank
Dear community, obviously - before I left for my last trip - my little granddaughter must have played around with the settings: until I noticed, I took a number of photos  in the illustration mode with heavy outlines. As I see the pics as normal pictures in my folders on the dektop after downloading them, but when opened as illustrations, I assume that thre might be a chance to open them as normal photos as well. Does anybody know how to do this? Thanks a lot JeBoFoto

Hi @JeBoFoto,


well, obviously there are two options in the camera. You can decide to shoot a picture using an effect like "illustration" (see here) and/or to add the effect when viewing the image (see here). However, the second option will save the altered image to a new file while the original one remains untouched.


I'd say that there's nothing you could do in case the first option was activated, sorry. Maybe in the preview on your PC you simply cannot see the emphasised outlines (depending on the size of the thumbnails).




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