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SONY RX10 IV - absolute novice settings

SONY RX10 IV - absolute novice settings

Hi, I’ve only just joined and need some good advice.

I'm a complete novice with cameras, unsure of configuration of aperture, shutter speed, ISO etc.  My wife and I are going on safari in September and we wish to replace our 10 year old Panasonic point and shoot - which has only ever been used in auto mode - with something better and an increased zoom.   The SONY RX10 IV seems to have gained some good reviews but I’m unsure on the complexity for something that both my wife and I could quickly use at a moments glance in both good and poor light conditions.   How easy is it to use as a point and shoot?  Can everything be automised?  Or could you advise of some appropriate (default) settings that could be used for general safari use for taking good quality pics?  I guess I could use auto ISO as a starter....but not sure about the other settings.  Many of you professional photographers may be rolling your eyes but this is not my speciality...  I can mend your broken car or fit a new engine, but really don’t know too much about cameras...  thanks


Hi there,


Welcome to the Sony Community.


Let me look into this and will update the thread when I've got some answers for you. 


Best wishes,

Sean Mc