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RX100 V 'finder' lever

RX100 V 'finder' lever

I have an RX 100 model V camera. On the left side is a little lever called 'finder'.

When i carry the camera in my pocket, it sometimes snags the 'finder' lever and the camera pops out the viewfinder and turns on, the lens opens up.

This is not wanted behaviour. When I spoke to Sony customer services they acknowledged the issue and said there is no solution.

(1) Is there any way of stopping the 'finder' lever from opening up the camera? Is there a menu setting which can be changed?

(2) On more recent cameras, RX100 M6 and forthcoming M7, is there any way of stopping the 'finder' lever from working?

Thanks for replies.

Not applicable

Hi there,


Hopefully a community member has had some experience with this.


Best wishes,


If I put mine in my pocket I tend to put it inside some sort of wrapping - a loose open ended cloth bag or even just a soft cloth, like the one I use to clean the screen. This is really to protect it from anything else that's in there, but I haven't had the problem you describe so maybe that would help. Having said that, I find the Rx100 just a bit too big and heavy for anything but an overcoat pocket and it's normally in a case on my belt, where it's a bit slower to get to, but it's protected. There is a menu setting to stop the camera being turned off when the viewfinder is put away but it doesn't work the other way, so if the viewfinder comes up, the camera always comes on and the lens extends. Unless you take the battery out of course but then it's not exactly ready for use! Could you tape something like a little bit of cardboard, just above the lever, over the letters 'Finder', so it forms a ridge? Ii will look ugly but if it works maybe you could make a less noticeable version



I've looked in the help guide and manual for the camera and there doesn't seem to be a way to disable the finder switch completely. The best thing to do would be to keep the camera in a compatible case.




I don't think it's the 'finder' lever. I got a wrist strap for  my rx100 V and it still pops out the flashbulb and opens the lens, even when the 'finder' lever  is not pressed.

I think my camera is faulty. I can't be without the camera for any substantial period of time, so I can't get it repaired just now.

Any suggestion? Danke schon.

A couple of suggestions till you get it fixed.
I assume that if the viewfinder cannot come up then the camera can't switch itself on. Obviously you won't want to tape it down or you couldn't use the viewfinder or tilt the screen, so you want something removable. Unfortunately elastic bands are not strong enough to keep it down. Maybe a little velcro strap would work. I have a small clamp that can fix a mobile phone to a tripod. It is spring loaded and will fit over the viewfinder end of the Sony. It makes the shape a bit awkward but it goes on and off easily and definitely keeps the viewfinder down. Otherwise, I suggest switching the camera off with the on/off button while the viewfinder is up. That puts the lens out of the way and hopefully keeps the camera from switching on. It does leave the viewfinder exposed of course but I think it's a lot less vulnerable than the lens. The last resort would be to take the battery out when you're not using it. A pain of course but I imagine the repair bill for a viewfinder or lens would be horrendous.