Cyber shot error E:91:01

Cyber shot error E:91:01

Cyber shot camera DSc-HX90 has a flashing error message E:91:01

relatively new and no web sites seem to know what problem or solution is except send back for repair

Any help appreciated from an unhappy customer ( I think LUMIX may be a better bet if not resolved). 


Yes, these kind a problem are annoying...


Can you do anything with the camera? I think sending it in for repair is really the best solution.


These things happen, sorry! 

Sony Alpha Training

The real issue is everything works and no explanation of error code or why it happens Eg is it the flash ?We need it for a trip to Galapagos so a quick fix would be essential not 30 days in repair shop with outcome and cost unknown

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Your best shot at this moment is to do a factory reset and hope that problem won't come up again.



Sony Alpha Training

Thanks for your response Portmixus but Factory reset failed 
The lack of information on this error code has really prevented a sale to a friend who needed a reliable camera for a trip to the Galapagos I was happy with performance but build quality of the flash and eyepiece which is the one main USP of the camera especially in bright light I Remain suspicious of !
Still unhappy from Grumpy

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