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I like things ordered!

I like things ordered!


The entries in my reader library list, under Author, are mixed ie James Patterson or Patterson James.  This annoys me!! Can I change it so they are all the same order, or do I have to put up with it?  I have a Sony reader PRS 300


Do you mean 350 ?

I know what you mean, I like things ordered too, it is annoying isn't it. ePub files have an attached metadata file that contains all the relevent information such as author, title, and even the cover picture, just the same as an MP3 music file does. Unfortunately the Sony Reader Library software on your PC isn't able to edit metadata, which is a shame as it would be useful.

After doing a quick search on Google I found a small piece of software called Epub Metadata Editor, you can find it at . I have used it a few times and found it very simple and effective to use, you can rename the author field on your books so they all appear the same, this should fix your problem. I believe it can even do batch operations if you have a lot of books that you want to all appear by the same author. So far I have only edited the metadata on free books, so I am not sure if it will still work with books that contain DRM (digital rights managment), but you can give it a try.

Good luck.


No, PRS-300 it is!

Message was edited by: -Finn-

      Hello Fifer72 and welcome to the Sony forums. The Sony forums aims to protects people's identities and personal information while using the forum, including full names. I have seen a post of yours that contained your first name. This would not be a problem however combined with your username, people may deduce your full name. Sony prefers that to keep everyone safe, so that users cannot be traced and full names not revealed. For this reason, I have edited your post to remove only your name, and no other details. I want to thank you for your post. Kind regards Finn (Forum moderator)


Many thanks for your suggestion.  Later today, I will try what you suggest, and report back.

Message was edited by: -Finn-

Hello Fifer72 Again for your safety, I have edited your post to remove only your name, and no other details. I want to thank you for your post. Kind regards Finn (Forum moderator)

Hi Readingman,

Right, I have installed the programme, as you suggest, and I get so far with the author details as I want, press 'Save' and get the following error message -

'Unhandled exception has occurred in your application.  If you click Continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.  If you click 'Quit' the application will close immediately.  

Argument 'Start' must be greater than zero.'

I certainly don't understand this, and tried various options with no success.

So the plan has failed!  I fear I will have to put up with things as they are!  But many thanks for your suggestion.

Message was edited by: -Finn-

Message was edited by: -Finn- Hello Fifer72 Again for your safety, I have edited your post to remove only your name, and no other details. I want to thank you for your post. Kind regards Finn (Forum moderator)

if you download the free program calibre you can organise your books using that software. in that program you can also edit the metadata and download more metadata. i use that alot to organise my books and put them into series.

hope that helps. calibre takes a bit of time to get used to but once you do you wont look back


Hi there,

Yes I do have calibre.  Didn't know it could help here!  In fact, I haven't used it yet at all.  Will try.  Many thanks.:smileysilly:

Hi Fifer72

Well, you are right, I have just tested the latest version of Epub Metadata Editor (version 1.0.13), and it gives me the exact same error message that you got, strange eh. I have been using an older version (1.0.10) and it has always worked fine, just tested it again and it still works fine. I can't find any links to this older version on the Google Code website, it seems to have been replaced by the latest version. I still have the installation file for v1.0.10 but I can't attach it for you, the forum won't let me attach .exe or .zip files here, but if you do want to try it you can give me your email address in a private message and I will send it to you.

Of course, thomasn75 is right, you can also edit metadata if you use the Calibre software as your book library, but he is also right that it does take a bit of time to get used to. I found it a bit over complicated and never really grew to like it, so I went back to my old Sony software. To be honest I don't even use the latest version of the Sony software, I am using the old Reader Library v3.3.00.07130, I prefer it to the newer versions, but that's just me, hehe.

Anyway, good luck with whatever method you choose to use, but rest assured you don't have to put up with a badly organised library.

Hello again,

I have been 'playing' with Calibre all afternoon.  I have got so far, but more to do.  All is not lost, but I'm not sure yet if I'm not banging my head against the proverbial.  So I'll continue, until I find another book to read!  But many thanks to all for all your help.

'playing' - My husband, who has never been interested in computers etc, is convinced I'm just playing with my toy!!  As if!    :cool: