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PRS-T2 are u serious :)


PRS-T2 are u serious :)

Hi all, A customer of mine bought this reader and couldn't get it to work, so he dropped it of and asked me to have a look. He must have tried many things, including entering a pin code about 20 times i guess Ok, now when i turn it on it asks me for a pin code before i can do anything, tried 0000 and 1234 but no luck .... Next i looked it up on the Sony support site which is mentioned in the little folder that comes with the reader. It tells you how to reset the reader (paperclip in the little reset hole) and if that doesn't work and you ?tried more than 5 times, you need to be connected to the wireless network you originally connected to an go to googles website and etc etc. I mean WTF :?D why is there a reset hole anyway :?P ? When i reset the reader with a paperclip it still asks for a picode when i turn it on :?( This is really absurd. Next i took out the external battery but that didn't help either. I can't connect it to my own wireless network, because it needs a pincodebefore i can do _anything_ It's just a little reader, but protected like it's Fort knox :grin: Ok, just wanted to blow of some steam :slight_smile: Gonna open it up and remove the internal battery, but i wouldn't be surprised if even that didn't work and the little .... uses a EPROM :grin: Let's see.


By the way, if i connect it with the usb cable to my PC,i get 3 extra drives (removables), but all 3 are empty :(


Beste jaapme,

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Met vriendelijke groet,


Forum moderator

Dear jaapme,

Welcome to the Sony Forums! This is a Dutch language forum which is Dutch language only, so the forum users can help you more easily. If you prefer to write in English, please find the UK forum by clicking on the Dutch flag on top of the screen and choose the British flag from the menu.

Kind regards,


Forum moderator


Hallo Tycho,

Dank voor je antwoord, ik realiseerde me niet dat dit alleen Nederlands is. Hopelijk zijn er lezers die ook Engels kunnen :slight_smile:

