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5p Plastic Bags

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5p Plastic Bags

Just curious if you guys support this.


I don't


I would support it, IFit was in conjunction in decreasing the over-packaging of products but this is not the case. So I see it as yet another tax.


I re-use those bags all the time too.


Careful, you might give Sony ideas! It's bad enough not getting a manual but I would hate for my new product to arrive in a placky bag. :worried:


Usually I recycle mine for when I next visit one of those supermarkets that charge. Of course you end up looking like a hamster with it's pouches stuffed with bags bulging in your pockets.

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

I don't agree with it, especially as why on earth would I carry plastic bags around with me?


@MK; I actually prefer the e-manuals sony do compared to the paper that used to come with. :tongue:



It's always nice to have choices in life, digital is good for some whilst unhelpful to others. If Sony uses recycled paper it helps reduce deforestation and also helps clean-up the planet.


On the subject of plastic bags though, should we really be doing this to the world, don't we already throw enough plastic into landfill?




The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
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I prefer a paper manual - but only if its more useful than how to plug it in :slight_smile:


Amazon love to do things like this:




That's Amazon for you, it's shocking what you find in some of their boxes.


One day I found a whole cat


Another cat.jpg


This was followed shortly after by yet another.., Cat!


Cat in Box.jpg


Just when I didn't think things could get any worse this arrived!! Anyone lost their kid?


Child in box.jpg


Last Christmas I order a Nissan Manual but they misunderstood the order and sent a Nissan Manual, literally!!


Car delivery.jpg


Unpacking the Nissan - credit due to Amazon I would say the box was about the right size and protected my purchase well! LOL!! :laughing:


Undo Car.jpg


This could get messy!

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
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Lovely !

I don't agree with charging for bags, plastic or otherwise.

It seems another way to increase profit. (Will the 5 pence go to charity? Really? All of it?)

Could we not have free paper bags? Also judging by supermarket price rises I think they could afford them.

Its a little like saying 'come and pay for goods but its your problem how you get them home.'

 Mind you trolleys are cheap for a pound hehe j/k.


A checkout person got very cross with me once when I asked for another bag and they mentioned the environment and pollution issue.

I asked if they had walked to work? When they replied they had driven I pointed out that we were on foot and were not polluting the atmosphere that day or contributing to global warming unlike them so could I please have another bag lol Frivolous I know but how else was I going to carry it all.

Like JapanMan2 said, not many people carry plastic bags on them.

Heh heh!


"Mind you shopping trolleys are cheap for a pound...."


I wish I'd thought of that one myself, it made me laugh so much I spilled tea on my mouse!!!!!!


Poor little fella!



The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
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The Trolley joke was funny :slight_smile:


I have 8 of the £1 re-usable bags.  Mostly for my benefit mind you.  I can fit more in them and carrying them up two flights of stairs at my place makes it easier than 20 other plastic bags.  Like the plastic ones for a backup as well as for small big liners, and all sorts of other uses.



For the mouse (above)
