Cashback problems and nowhere to turn


Cashback problems and nowhere to turn

I am amazed that a company with Sony’s reputation is letting itself down by using an incompetent 3rd party organisation to handle the cashback.
I bought the camera from Jessops with a promised £50 cashback from Sony. I filled in the online form within a couple of days of receiving the camera.
There was no documentation in the box. I rang Jessops who said I had to go through the link on their website.
I filled in the form on the website, gave my bank details to what I thought was Sony. I received an email back immediately saying my claim was being processed. All seemed good. Until a few minutes later I received an email saying my email had bounced. I had never sent an email ………. ???????????????????
Would I have given my bank details to another unknown 3rd party company if I had known? No
Would I have bought the camera if I had known all the problems involved? No
Would I have bought the camera if I had known how long I would have to wait for the cashback? No
Would I have bought the camera as a present for my daughter if it were full price (which was eye wateringly expensive anyway)? No
Will I buy a Sony product again? Probably not.

If this were not to be a surprise present for my daughter for Christmas, I would put it all on my blog. (over 250k readers so far)

Am I happy? NO.


Thank you. Anyone know his to get an invoice or acceptable proof of purchase from Argos? Cheers Jackie


i have a similar problem to another user who's written on this thread.

i bought the Sony DSC-HX400V from on Friday 4 December 2015, encouraged to do so by their advertised £80 double Cashback offer. 

I received the camera this morning (Sunday) and tried to register the camera for the offer. However, I received the message;

"Please check the following errors

A case for this product has already been submitted"


The camera is brand new, in a sealed box, with no fingerprints on the camera. 

Could you please advise/assist how to get around this problem? One of the main selling points for buying the camera right now was the double Cashback offer from Sony.

I've sent Sony an email regarding the matter, but see their Customer Support is only open Mon-Fri 0900-1800, which is quite frankly ridiculous. Even a call-centre abroad would have been preferable to this.

Any help would be appreciated, however, reading other people's problems, it may take a group effort to do anything.



I spoke to the support number and they finally sorted my issue out.

I bought an a7 camera 21/11/2015 on the double cashback offer (19/11/2015 to 6/12/2015), so it should be £200 back, 1st December I get £100 in my bank, contacted them and they said i sould recive the money in the next  5 working days waited then replied to email and have had no response.............

I have the same problem, bought a camera in John Lewis with £50 cash back, I was swayed by that as I was going to buy something totally different.   I got a letter from Sony saying that there was a delay but I would get it............I never did.   I have phoned and because it was no longer a valid offer the normal department couldn't deal with it so I have been on the phone to all sorts of places, including Sony in Austria.   I am always promised a call back but I have had to chase Sony every time.   It is months since I chased because it takes so long, I can't afford the time when I am at work.


This has been going on for three years!!!!


What a dreadful shower they are.


Thank you for the link. I used it and my info was accepted first time. Hopefully the payment will work too!


I never got any where with Sony just lots of we're sorry to hear of your problem but there's nothing we can do. So I voted with my feet and have never purchased another Sony product again. Floyd Sent from my iPhone

Wow, wish I read this before purchasing my RX100m4. Spent hours trying to satisfy the cashback form, spoke with Sony,e-mailed sony, spoke with camera shop (most helpful)but could not get involved!!

So I have concluded they need the£50 more than I. Shame after 40 years of buying Son. This has been a v. poor experience. Happy with the product, NOT happy with the shaby way I have been treated. And do you know what they probably dont  mind.


I'm also having cash back problem and am very very frustrated. And honestly Sony are a con artists. I have filled out the on line form and attached the photo proof of purchase and serial number several times as I wasn't getting any confirmation and wasn't sure whether it was actually going through. I had gone back to the Jessops shop, told them that I didn't have any confirmation that the form has been sent no matter how many times I submitted it and they assured me that I will receive my money into my account automatically within 28 days. After some time I've checked my bank statement and realised that I haven't received it and I contacted Sony customer services and they asked me for my serial number to check whether there is my case participation on their system but same time they stated that if there is not my participation case on their system then sadly they would not be able to process my payment as the cash back promotion period has now ended and there is no way I can submit the claim again. As if they already predicted that my participation case won't be on their system. They knew very well that it won't be on their system, because there was an issue with the on line form on their website. I've read message from somebody else saying that you couldn't do it on line and that they got an application form from the shop. I went back to the shop but I didn't know about the application form and they didn't give it to me. They told me that I will receive the cash back into my account while knowing that it won't happen. I feel horrible. They cheated me. And of course Sony emailed me back that there is no participation case on there system and sadly they will not be able to process my payment. I emailed them back that if there was an issue with their on line form then they should pay me even though the promotion period has ended. They emailed me back that they don't acknowledge that there was an issue with their website, saying that it could have been my computer and that there's no proof that it was their website, insisting that they won't pay me my cash back. They are liers. I will be making complaint to the trading standards. Whether I can prove that they conned me I don't know but it's not going to stay like this. I will go to my local MP if I have to.

I have had similar problems. I omitted to send a VAt receipt with the claim but every time I treid sending it to the e mail adress supplied by Sony it bounced back. I have had these problems on earlier claims. Sony obviously do not want to pay.A hall mark of a disreputable company.