Unsubscribing from Sony thieves


Unsubscribing from Sony thieves

Does anyone know how I can unsubscribe from receiving marketing e-mails from Sony?


I wish to have nothing to do with a company that believes it is ok to steal £50 from me and then say I'm responsible for that.


I follow the links but it tells me I can't view US content from the UK.


I'd like a community answer please, nothing from you Sony because you're just thieves and liars.


Be thankfull they only stole £50 off you. The conned me out of £450 through false advertising:




Hi there,


Welcome to the Sony community.


There usually is an 'unsubscribe' link somewhere in these emails.


You mention US content, which makes me think you have signed up for Sony USA marketing updates.  


Can you confirm this?


Best wishes,


Sean Mc



I'm really sorry to hear about your problem too.


They just think because they're a company they can make decisions and people have to just deal with it, or spend more money to get what they want.


My particular situation was that I had £50 in my account and they claim someone hacked it but I personally believe they probably gave the details away and whoever obtained access to the account spent it and Sony said I was liable for that. It was a digital purchase as well, which the thieving Sony scum could have just removed access to and refunded the money.


They are responsible for the security of accounts, no-one hacked the thing from my end, it was from them and they're just hoping I go away about, but I won't and it's already cost them about £400 and will cost them far more to come as well. More fun for me


Yes, I did mention I follow the links and it sends me to a page that advises me I can't view US content from the UK.


I guess I didn't explain that well enough. I'll try again


I click the link in the e-mail and it comes up that I can't view US content in the UK.


The link is the unsubscribe link.


I don't see how I could sign up to US marketing when to do so I would have to be on a US site, I certainly haven't wanted to or read anywhere that Sony.com were a marketing partner of anything I have signed up to.


Regardless of my geographical location, Sony.com are sending me e-mails I don't want and I should be able to get them to stop, hence me coming here to see if the community knew more about it.