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Where's my cash back

Where's my cash back

Its has been 50 days now since Sonny Europe Limited received my claim,but its not Sony Europe Limited you send your claim form to but a company called Diss Promotional Services acting for Sony,the staff there even beleive they are Sony and send letters out claiming they are Sony

1. Claim form sent recorded delivery 26th Sept 2011 and received next day

2. Receive letter from Sony Europe but really Diss Promotional Services dated 21st Oct apologising for delay due to unexpected delay

3.2nd Nov phoned the DPS so called Sony helpline systemdown we will call back

4. 2nd Nov phoned again as nobody called me back,I was told cheque will be posted 5-10 days

5. 2nd Nov get the call back from DPS, I was told by Harriot my cheque will be with me within 7-14 days,here we go goal posts have been moved

6. 15th Nov phoned DPS spoke to Tina,I told her you have now had my claim for £40 for over fifty days,it does state on the Sony claim form cheques will be sent 28 days from receipt of claim form,she told me my cheque will be sent 2nd class this week.I asked why the delay her reply was awaiting funds from Sony.

I consider this promotion to be breach of contract as I have purchased my camera in good faith the cash back will be sent within the time as stated on Sony's claim form,this matter has been reported to the Trading Standard's Office and I would surgest anybody in the same position as myself please do the same,Sony are still running this promotion on many products,but if they cannot meet their obligation to their customers the promotion should be stopped immediately    


I was just going to writ easking the same question!

I sent my claim off over a month ago and have heard nothing, at least you got a letter!

Any luck with it yet?

Can you give me the telephone number so that I can bother them too?

I brought my tv on the 24 oct 2011,had a letter 2 days ago saying that the cash back was going to be late,but it came this morning 24th nov .£100 pre paid visa card.

Hi, I am planning to by a Sony camcorder and I would get £60 cashback. Is it a visa card that you can pay with anywhere where they take debit cards? or is it more like a Sony voucher that you can only use for Sony products? I am asking because I have a choice to buy it elsewhere without the cashback but generally a little bit cheaper and wonder if the cashback card is worth it.

Is it a visa card that you can pay with anywhere where they take debit cards?

Hi Katuush,

welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:

Yes you can use the Visa cash back card at any shop that accepts Visa..

Spoken to he French cashback agency AGAIN today and been told processing takes 3 MONTHS - not 28 days - AND, it takes 10 days to bank transfer funds.  What century are Sony living in - 3 months to look at a form and 10 days for a transfer.  Its a(nother) Sony rip-off. My claim(sent registered mail) delivered 1st September so I MIGHT get my £30 by Christmas


Join the long list of VERY unhappy customers. Been told today its taking over 3 months to process and pay - outrageous


Edited - joined 2 posts made at the same time.

@rippedoffbysony wrote:

Spoken to he French cashback agency AGAIN today and been told processing takes 3 MONTHS - not 28 days - AND, it takes 10 days to bank transfer funds.  What century are Sony living in

Hi rippedoffbysony,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..

As you have discovered it's an agency that is handling your cash back promotion & it seems from posts in the past that these agencies work to their own agenda..

If they have confirmed reciecpt of your claim at least you know you're making progress..

I totally agree with you. This cash back offer is a complete farce and is dogged with delays that are unacceptable from a company like Sony.

Cash backs are offered as a sales incentive and therefore should be processed within the timescales stated,or if delayed customers should be contacted. I would seriously consider not doing further business with Sony for the way this has been handled.