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CMT-SBT20B DAB forgets which station it was on

CMT-SBT20B DAB forgets which station it was on

The DAB function forgets which radio station it was on before going into standby and alays resorts to the first alphabetical station. This also includes when i set a wake up timer. Is this supposed to happen? in the 'Using the timers' section the tip says 'when the sound source is a radio, make sure to tune in to the radio station before turning off the system'. Am I misunderstanding this?


Complaints on this subject to Sony elicited this customer response. 

"Thank you for contacting Sony.
After investigating your situation with your CMT-SBT20, please be aware that there is no issue with the device and it is a normal behavior.
Thank you for your understanding."
It seems I have bought my last Sony product, being also disappointed with my RX100M3 camera.

Complaints on this subject to Sony elicited this customer response. 

Thank you for contacting Sony.
After investigating your situation with your CMT-SBT20, please be aware that there is no issue with the device and it is a normal behavior.
Thank you for your understanding."
 It seems I have bought my last Sony product, being also disappointed with my RX100M3 camera.

I have an email from Sony Customer services informing me that this is "normal behaviour" for this product.  I won't be purchasing any more Sony products, having had enough with a radio that has to be retuned every time it is switched on and a wi-fi enabled digital camera with  laughable WiFi capability.