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auto start for STR-DH520

auto start for STR-DH520

i have a Sony Bravia TV (KDL-32L-4000), a Sony blue ray player (BDP-S360) and a sony AV unit STR-DH520. I also have sky+  hd.

I have sync'ed the TV and it detects and registers the other Sony units in the set up

The blue ray player is HDMI linked to the AV unit via the BD/BVD HDMI socket

The TV is from Sky into the Av unit via the sat/satv socket (HDMI) and the out to the TV via the output HDMI . Sound from Sky box is via optical cable.

When i put the 'control HDMI/PASSTHRU' setting on the AV unit to auto, the AV unit will automatically switch on when the Blue ray player is turned on, but does not detect the TV when i switch the Bravia on. Im presuming this is because the signal will be coming from the sky box, which also does not activate the AV unit

Is there any way that i can configure the setup so that the A/V unit allows HDMI pass thru when i switch the TV on, rather than having to always also switch on the AV unit? Any addition cabling i can install to give an output signal from the TV to alert the AV unit of its presence?

Any hints or tips would be gratefully received.

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