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My BDV E380 receiver/blu-ray player has started to act up by refusing to turn on. Only if I unplug the mains for five minutes or so, and then plug back in, will the unit start up. There ought to be plenty of room around the unit that heat should escape, although there might not be too much forced air flow, but when the unit has been in standby mode for some time (a day or so?) it just wont turned back on (neither via the remote or on the button on the front).
Is this just a Sony-unit-overheat-issue or could there be another cause?
Its highly unlikely to be anything to do with overheating of the unit as even in standby mode it only uses about a watt of electricity, i would suggest that you contact your dealer if its still under guarantee and see if they can help or put you on to the nearest authorised repair centre as it may be a fault in the power board.