Ht-st5000 and surround sound

Ht-st5000 and surround sound

I have recently purchased the 65 inch oled a1 tv with the Ht-st5000 soundbar and two SRS-ZR5. Will sony be making it possible to set up a true surround sound system linking these together.


I am disappointed that this is not already available, with sony's high end soundbar.


I know the Ht-st5000 can bounce the sound off the ceiling to provide a surround sound effect, but surely having actual rear speakers linked to the Ht-st5000 would give a superior sound quality especially now the Ht-st5000 has recently been updated for Dts surround sound. 


Please Sony update the Music Centre to allow surround sound grouping of wireless speakers  to work with your premium Ht-st5000 soundbar. I know that surround sound works with some of your other wireless sound ars

 and the SRS-ZR5 speakers.




Not applicable

Hey all,


I mean, maybe cause it was originally sold as a 7.1.2 ''virtual surround sound system''.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but every single Sony soundbar that was compatible with a rear speaker, was originally announced with it's own ''rear speakers'' as a buy-able accessories, so if they had the intention to upgrade the ''HT-ST5000'', they would've released something ''rear speaker or a subwoofer'' perhaps with it on the release date.
And at no point did they release a statement or any plans to upgrade it, so it's really hard to see where's the ''false advertising'' in that.



Hi SkyNet404 Specialist 


  1. Yes it was sold as a 7.1.2. "Virtual surround sound system" but as you can see a fair number of customers do not agree that the sound being produced works as a surround sound system unless "virtual" means = "does not work" like a surround sound system.
  2. I suggested a solution to the problem - which I believe has never been considered or has been ignored by Sony as they do not want to say their very expensive virtual high-end system of the time did not work. The suggestion came as they had just added support to another soundbar, which had not had any rear speakers at the time. Sadly, that long ago cannot remember which soundbar it was. Or I would not have suggested the idea in the first place.
  3. I have checked all my comments made and I have never mentioned in any of my responses that Sony had been making false advertisements. I did say that I could not understand why the HT-ST5000 got such a high rating and reviews from numerous technical magazines, when I and a significant number of actual users have been unsatisfied with the item. I would expect your comment in respect of this to be removed or a correction made below. 

As usually I will be watching this space and wish all a happy and safe Christmas.




Community Team

Hey Killerbeankiller, why don't you contact Sony directly to deliver your feedback? They have a dedicated channel for that.