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HX820 & BDV-EF1100 Hdmi Arc ?


HX820 & BDV-EF1100 Hdmi Arc ?

Merry Christmas everybody,


I've connected the ef1100 to hdmi1(arc) on the hx820 ,according to the manual should listen the sound from the tv to the speakers of the ef1100 without the need of an optical cable .


Hdmi comtrol is enabled on both devices ,the hdmi cable is 1.4v ,whats wrong then ?needs another setting somewhere ?


I get sound from the ef1100 speakers only when optical cable is connected between the devices.

Any tip ?


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Thank you so much but probably will not be necessary as i ...


,today  gave it another try ,disconnected all and then connect the sat box 2 which i had problem loosing sound from the BDV-Ef1100 cause of communication failure as i wrote above ,


Guess what ? worked fine,system audio was on and bravia sync enabled
,then connect the wd live hub ,switched between the devices ,all perfect ..

last i connect the sat box 1 which was the only device that worked with bravia sync before and ... the communication failure appeared again ,i got you haha ..

,plugged the Lindy adapter on ,and all is working now as it should ..


i have bravia sync with all devices and system audio runs automatic when i turn the on the BDV-EF1100 ,without any optical cable on :slight_smile: ,iam glad also that the cost for the Lindy's adapter was not for nothing ..


My friend Quinnicus thanks again for all the support !


One question more ,i saw a new Sony product very interesting and iam curious if i can add it to my system and make working together with BDV-EF1100 and my setup ,

is the HT-XT1 all in one sound system ,what you think ?


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Hi there


I have double checked the manuals for both devices, they both support ARC.  Therefore lets check how you have set it up.


  1. Ensure that the HDMI cable from the BDV-EF1100 is connected to the TV's HDMI 1 port (it must be on HDMI 1)
  2. When outputting audio from the TV to the EF1100, ensure that speakers is set to "Audio System" on the TV itself.  This techinically should automattically change itself, if both equipment has Control for HDMI set to ON and the EF1100 is switched on AND set to TV.  But double check anyhow.
  3. On the EF1100, press the [Function] button on the remote repeatedly until "TV" is displayed on the front panel display (or i believe you can press the [Speakers TV <--> Audio] button on the top line of the remote control.



Thanks for your answer,
All these are done, still no go, no sound without the optical, ive tried also with 3 different hdmi cables ..
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A couple more suggestions:

  • Double check that Control for HDMI is ON (on the TV), by going to the HDMI Device List (Home > Settings > External Inputs > HDMI Settings > HDMI Device List)  - Im harping on about this, because many settings are automattically changed - And Im still unsure that Bravia Sync (Control For HDMI) is actually on.  As its a likely cause of why its not working
  • On the EF1100 Audio Settings > Audio Output.  Check to see if its set to Speaker + HDMI
  • In the EF1100 System Settings > HDMI Settings > ensure that "Audio Return Channel" is set to Auto.  Also ensure that Quick Start Mode is set to OFF (as ive just seen that this disables Control for HDMI)

If all of this checks out, and it still doesnt work - Im out of ideas unfortuately, therefore you might want to think about contacting Sony support (unless another forum member has some ideas)


Hope this helps anyhow.




The hdmi list is empty in the the tv ,and when I press Enable still doesnt see the player... strange, I will try the other hdmi ports on the tv to see..
Thanks again
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Press enable, Turn off TV and Bluray player.  Then Turn on TV, then bluray player, and see if its there.  For ARC to work, it has to be HDMI 1 (on TV).  At least I think we are closer on the issue :slight_smile:


Changed to hdmi4 tv see the player, back to hdmi1 worked fine till I hdmi4 was empty, when I connect my sat box there brings communication failure and again dont see the player etc..
I made a factory reset to tv ..lets see
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I have my fingers crossed for you! 

(Some really weird issues today!)


No luck, I quite, back to the optical again...
Should I call the Sony Service?

Thanks a lot for your help!
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Yep, I'd probably call Sony Support tomorrow.  I honestly dont know whats going on/or not going on in your case.