
hxd 870

Wallpaper updates



Hi there, welcome to the forums.


I'd like to say that we're all mind readers here but since we're not can you be a little more specific with your question? Are you trying to find wallpaper updates or are you perhaps trying to figure out how to apply the updates?


I don't own this device myself but having looked through your manual I see no mention of Wallpaper.


Please be a little more specific with your question if possible, it might help one of us figure out what you're trying to do.



The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

@MK_Slinky I own a RDR HXD870 and there is no wallpaper at all nor any possible GUI customization. Great PVR though and no update to FW since 2010 (ver. 1.70)


Yes absolutely it is a great machine! Lately I've been doing a lot of research about it and I am always pleased with what I find.  I've had myHXD 870 for about 7 years now and it has never failed on me compared to other PVRs.  My original question though, I was browsing the Sony sites when I saw wallpapers for a HXD 870 in black.  I don't know much else because at the time I was having problems with my Chrome browser on my phone when it crashed and I lost the page.  Since then I can't find the page again.  There is a page on the Sony site that has wallpaper downloads, but not for the machine I'm looking for.  The reason I want the wallpapers is that I like to see a change of scenery every once in a while.  I am also wondering if there is a way I can change the chapter edit screen to display a much bigger window, because when editing programmes, I have to sit real close to the TV to see what I'm doing. One final question. Do you think it is nesessary for the auto updates to be on?  Every day at 3 and 5 am, the machine starts up for updates, and this lasts for about 14 minutes, then shuts down.  When I properly boot up the machine, usually there are no new channels found, and the last firmware update was in 2010.  Sometimes I wonder if I should stop the auto updates in the set up menu. What should I do about this.  

Your help is very much appreciated in this matter.  

PS I can be a bit of a geek when it comes to talking about PVRs and Home cinema, so if there is anything you might want to ask me, then please feel free.


Hi Colin,

I have mine since 2007 and the only things that I miss are:

  • an HD tuner (wasn't available at the time)
  • Guideplus (in italy we don't have the standard EPG really populated, and the Guideplus was fantastic... gone with digital switch off even if the PVR has a digital tuner 😞 )
  • a larger HDD (ok I know how to switch it with another one but never bother to do it)

for the rest is terrific!!!


Regarding wallpaper, AFAK there is no possibility to change it, you may have seen a different product: keep in mind that the HXD is in reality a Pioneer machine rebranded, and the pioneer models spot a purple wallpaper if I remember well (so via software is of course possible to change it).

The update may not be necessary but it is impossible to turn them off (you can switch off the software update that does nothing, but not the channel scanning. This was also an issue in 2010 when there was a big fault due to too many digital channels available after the switch off in Italy, but we cannot avoid the machine to look for them every night...