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RDR-HXD870 firmware update stuck: what to do???


RDR-HXD870 firmware update stuck: what to do???



I also have the 'update sticking', 'EPG knackered' and 'no live output' problems but, after managing to reset etc. and select line input to stop the update sticking each time, I tried a maybe-long-overdue firmware update to 1.70, to see if that would cure the problem.


I followed Sony's instructions to the letter but, unfortunately, after stage 1 (LOAD > DISC-DWLD) took a couple of minutes or less, and DOWNLOAD-2, DOWNLOAD-3 and DOWNLOAD-4 took not much longer, I still have DOWNLOAD-5 displayed and an open disc-drawer (and still powered on) after almost an hour!


Trouble is, Sony don't seem to give contingency-instructions unless an error is displayed - so whatever do I do now?  I don't want to take the wrong action and completely ruin the recorder (if indeed the process hasn't already done so).


Please can anybody in-the-know shed some light on this and tell me what I can do to save the unit?




I have the exact same problem , update is stuck since around the 25th August 2022 . Nothing works even a factory reset will bring you to a black screen and the info banner will change colour. My firmware is to up to date .

I have tried the change of location to France etc which works but gives you the guide plus EPG. Which does not really work as well as the other EPG.I have tried your link going back and forth with a sony agent which appears to be a different one each time , they dont seem grasp the problem, this problem as occured in the past. I suspect its the same cause, a corrupt broadcast channel. Sony dont seem to be that bothered this time around.

I've no real answers beyond all that has been said in the past.


What transmitter are you on?


Also try a factory reset with NO aerial connected and go through the full retune process to clear any placeholders that may not be erased with a reset. After that try another factory reset and this time have the aerial plugged back.

I have tried the factory reset -retune with no aerial many times over the past few weeks -sometimes it works but then the update comes around and It will get stuck again so back in the loop. The replace channel function should work the same way.


What I have found in many experiments is this that actually works. I plug in a standard RF Cable into the Aerial Socket and dont plug it in anywhere else -let it be loose -or rest it on something -this is trial and error to find the sweet spot, then retune , I choose replace channels I may only get a small number of channels -so I reposition my RF Cable. Then rescan again to choosing replace channels if I am lucky I will get more around 86. Then close and the EPG will look like it always did. If its still that awful purple colour I will try changing channals if that does not work  I will switch off the machine and switch back on and the colour is back to as its always been. And also with this method it will go through the UPDATE no problem at the regular interval.


I have tried an old indoor aerial -because I dont have a new one -but that also will get stuck  when the automatic UPDATE comes around


I am on the Winterhill transmitter.


I only get half the number of channels using the loose RF Cable method but I can still use the normal EPG to record programs. The trade off is the signal quality or strengh will go up and down but stable enough to record programs -although sometimes I may get distortion. I try pluging back in the outside aerial periodcally to see if the problem has been sorted but alas no its not.


This method may not suit everyone -but it works for me until Sony , and the broadcasters and fix this problem properly if ever !

I should say I can also choose UK rather than France or another country when setting up

All sounds very strange. I've two of these machines and both are fine (also on Winter Hill).


From memory around 140+ services (channels) are found when scanning or updating the channel list. The 'updates' to the programme list occur at certainly 10am and also 2pm and either 4am or 6am from memory. If you watch the machine at these times it will start up and display 'Update'.

I did know about the update times already -I have sent sony customer services many pictures of this -in recent weeks but they are completly useless, and just give me the usual answers factory reset etc , they dont follow through with any kind of technical team -Anyway good your up and running I didnt realize you were.

My machine is slightly different the RDR HXD 995. 



oh mooly01 -I thought you was the other contributor , I see now you have never had the Update Stuck problem

anyway I plugged back in the outside Ariel for another try doing all the factory reset , no Ariel scan ,factory reset again with Outside Ariel plugged in same result light purple EPG . Channel comes on then black screen. The 2pm update happended right on schedule its 3:40 pm now EPG Update still stuck for 1 hour 40 minutes


So its back to the RF lead for me

I don't know if this would prove anything or not but given that your aerial seems a factor it might be worth seeing just what 'channels (as in multiplexes) it is picking up. I wonder if you are picking up noise or hash that is somehow corrupting things.


On HXD870 series you go to System Menu > Initial Setup > Digital Tuner and then select 'Signal Strength'.


Where it says 'RF channel' at the top use the left and right buttons on the remote to set it to the bottom of the band which is channel 21.


For Winter Hill you should see 'No Signal' for each channel number (step through them from 21 to 69) except for ch29, ch31, ch32, ch34 and ch37. For all these the signal quality should be 100% and the level ideally in the 70 to 90% range.


Exit the screen by pressing System Menu.

Apologies for butting-in, but I've got a couple of these machines and have been trying to upgrade their firmware without any success.

I downloaded the files (SR07S166.MEM and SR07S170.MEM) onto a disc, but I clearly haven't got the correct format, as the machines don't recognise the newer firmware versions on the disc and just sit there doing nothing.

I've asked Sony, but all they do is to quote the website instructions verbatim: "Burn the update file onto a new blank CD-R disc or completely erased CD-RW disc using disc-at-once mode and ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system format". 

It's the "disc-at-once mode and ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system format" that I don't understand.  They presumably have as much of a clue as I do (i.e. none).

Are there instructions for nit-wits published anywhere, that I might be able to follow and which work?


Also, for those who have done this successfully, can one upgrade the firmware without affecting the recorded material on the HDD, or should one archive that before upgrading the machine firmware?

Apologies for diverting attention from the main topic.

ok Mooly01 I have looked at the signal strengh/quality before. I have gone into it again with my outside aerial plugged in this is what I get for ch29, ch31, ch32, ch34 and ch37 all 100% signal quality and 100% Signal Strength.

In addition I get ch21,ch24,ch27 all signal quality 100%. But of course as always when the next update happens in the morning it will get stuck again guaranteed. Thanks for your time on this