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Soniabravia KDL-46EX1 and apple products making TV I the only one?


Soniabravia KDL-46EX1 and apple products making TV I the only one?

:smileycry:Please please is there anyone out there who can help. I have the above named wireless TV and I love it. However when I bought an IPad two years ago I encountered a huge problem. It interferes with the TV screen and splits it into two and then four and so on. I contacted Sony and the (un) helpful man told me to turn off the wireless on the TV which would obviously render it useless. So for the last two years all ipads in the house have been banished to my bedroom. Which is the furthest from the lounge, as anywhere else they affect the TV. (we live in a large five bedroom house BTW so this is not a small problem.) Fast forward two years and I bought yesterday a small Ipad mini hoping that as the technology has moved on I would be able to use it in the same room as the television...but no the same problem occurs. I am now faced with buying a new TV, which I don't want to do, and at this current time, due to the lack of help from Sony would not consider another Sony TV or returning my ipad mini to the store which I also don't want to do.


Not applicable

Thats a shame 😞


I have passed this information on.  Sony Support are aware of your issue and Ill see if I can chase this up, for any other suggestions.



Thank you.