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Sony STR DN1040 HDMI Output A+B, Problem with ARC

Sony STR DN1040 HDMI Output A+B, Problem with ARC

Hi, I have been using my amp for a week now and in anticipation of my Xbox One arriving tomorrow I have bought another Pearl HDMI cable to connect the second HDMI out from my amp to the tv. The reason for this is so that I can have seperate screen settings for my game consoles and my video devices like the WDTV and blu-ray player on my tv (Panasonic TXP50GT60).

However, I have found that if I do this and have both HDMI A and B outputting a signal simultaneaously, when I wartch TV, which is getting sound to the amp via the ARC enabled HDMI (HDMI A) the sound occasionally, and randomly drops out before returning only a second latter. No other input device is on when this happens. If I switch amp to only out put video through HDMI A the problem goes away or if I physically unplug the second HDMI output then the problem disappears.

Has anyone else experienced or perhaps even found a work around for this? My thoughts are perhaps that the amp struggles with the additional load on the HDMI control when processing ARC from the TV to the amp and then pushing that signal back out through both HDMI's. I would be really intrigued to here from a techy at Sony on this issue. Hopefully it will be fixable via an update to the firware.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Have you contacted anyone at Sony Tech Support for their feedback on this problem? Sony staff do not participate in this forum.


Please come back and let us know what happens.

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