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STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


Does anyone else have issues with choosing a Sound Field when using Google Cast. Player won't let me choose any mode other than A.F.D (if you click on any other mode it says NOT.USE on the receiver's display). There is no output to my Subwoofer either (this is only in Google Cast mode). With any other music source the receiver outputs low frequencies to my Subwoofer in A.F.D.

This has only been happening ever since the recent firmware update on 14.09.2016 (M29.R.0422)

104 REPLIES 104

Applicable Models

This information is applicable for the following AV Receivers:

  • STR-DN860
  • STR-DN1060
About this download
Benefits and improvements from the previous update
  • Sound Field selection during Chromecast built-in Playback
Previous Benefits and Improvements
    • Support Chromecast built-in for Audio v1.21
      • Improved Chromecast built-in connectivity
    • Improved Power On stability
  • Only for use with AV Receiver sold in Europe.
  • Not all models are sold in all countries.
File Info
  • AV receiver firmware to version M29.R.0426
Zip File Name

they release an update 



guess what!!!!!!


google chrome cast is not working

with soundfield 

only a poor sound in 2 ch and 2 surround----------awfull....unbelievble


and in description of the update said soundfield working...NOW IN CHROMECAST

i dont have anyhing to say!!!!!!




He's not wrong,  just updated my amp and tested,  still can't choose a soundfield, still no sub.  Just says not.use as it did before,  Quinnicus, can you ask whoever needs asking what's up please? 

Not applicable

Hi Guys


Ok, I have just seen the firmware update for this:




To me, this indicates that this firmware update enables you to select the sound field when casting.  As you are both saying that this has had no effect, i;ll re-open this with Sony to find out what is going on etc.


I'll get back to you when I get an answer



Much appreciated.

Can also confirm that it's not working.


Applied the amp update, casting from an Android device with newest Sony app installed. Unable to change the soundfield with the app or with the amp remote control (tested via direct buttons and on screen options menu).


I'd be lying if I said I was surprised. At least Sony are consistent in their delivery of dismal support / customer service.

And still no word from Sony about their broken FW update.


The "dismal customer service" crown really has been passed on from Samsung to Sony.


1. Remove a feature that is working with no clear reason (?because you don't know the Google grouping contains a delay feature to handle differing DSP delay of various amps)

2. Reuse the logic that locks the feature out, so that if you're browsing the on-screen menu, it appears you can't use the feature due to Bluetooth transmitter being on, rather than it being disabled for other reasons. Wasted a good amount of time trying to figure out what the hell was going on with that until reports started hitting the forum that the FW was what had broken it.

3. Force it into a mode that sounds horrendous (no sub, surround forced on) rather than choosing one that might be liveable for the people impacted (e.g. stereo with sub enabled)

4. Edit the manual to make it look like it was never supported

5. Staff customer support with people that have no clue (e.g. amp is faulty, return it)

6. Release an update claiming to restore the feature that does nothing and then don't bother following it up with any kind of acknowledgement. 


It's just ridiculous.

Absolutely correct


all that you are saying





 They are far superior in every aspect( power,calibration audissey xt,sound,dolby atmos,dts x,android remote,internet aps,customer suport)


shame on you guys from Sony(very materialistic and egocentric brand)

other brands are far superior...sorry! i know very well what i'm saying

i'm a pro in audio department


you fooled me once...but now you lost me!!! 


your motto should be ..........."money money money!!!! i fooled you suckkkkers"








Not applicable

Hi All


I have received information today about the firmware update in regards to this casting soundfield issue.  There is indeed a 'slight' change in the soundfield selection, BUT not what you are expecting.


"Via the Audio settings in the units setup menu it is now possible to select “2CH” or “Multi Channel” but other sound field modes are not available during Google Cast.

Also pressing the sound field mode on the unit or remote will not activate the menu. User need to go to the home menu."


Sony will improve the wording on the firmware download page.


Thank you

 Hmmm, I'll check this out tomorrow and see if putting it into 2 channel via the amp menu turns the sub on and whether the setting sticks or resets each time. A bit of a stupid implementation really. No access via remote, via on-screen menu or via mobile app. Not that it matters, I've already had to shell out money for a ChromeCast in order to use this damn amp over the last 12 months (or however long it's been since they broke it), so I'll just keep using that. At least it works without issue.


Thank you for you time and hard work on this issue, Quinncus. It's sad that the only person at Sony that seems to care about their customers at all is a volunteer. I won't make the mistake of buying any Sony rubbish in the future and I'll be sure to let friends and family know why. I thought Samsung were bad with their support, but they aren't even in the same ballpark as the incompetence at Sony.

Thanks Quinnicus but I've just checked and there's no option to switch to 2ch in any of the menus,  soundfield is greyed out though,  it says it will only be greyed out if Bluetooth is set to transmitter,  mine is set to reciever so I've no idea what's going on there. However bottom line is it still isn't working,  would be nice if they just reverted back to the old software,  it was flawless.