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Overheating problem....please help


Overheating problem....please help

How can I stop my phone overheating. I was using google maps on xperia to navigate. After about 20 mins i noticed that the phone was REALY hot. It turned itself off and I couldnt get it back on untill the phone had cooled down. (it was switching on but would turn off after about 10 secconds)

How can i stop my phone overheating when using navigation apps? Its a real pain.



Completely agree with you Daloch

Since upgrading to JB my xperia T has been as useful as a chocolate teapot and the lazy and ineffective staff at Sony wont admit this is a real issue affecting lots of customers! They need to get their act together!


i used to use IOS 4,5,6, android ICS (galaxy s3) never overheating, then I use galaxy S4 (Android JB) was overheating while playing game only. the last one (now) is Xperia Z1 (Android JB 4.2.2) overheating while web browsing, playing game and even taking a pictures.....why like this???????????


I had a live chat about my phone overheating so hot I could smell the rear melting. All that was said to me was to repair and I told her people have complained about the jelly bean heat issues and she said this has not been reported yet. I even gave her a link to one of the forums and she still said no xperia t heat issues have been reported. What sort of company can't admit that their update ruined phones


Hi, eventually got round to searching for this issue after yet another significant overheat on my xperia T. I've had an intermittent issue for months were the phone gets very hot, so much that i have also lost the camera ring on the rear. At the time of it happening there are no apps running only basic connection, whilst overheating the battery useage goes thro the roof, from 100% to zero within about 30 mins. once the phone cools down and is re-charged the issue is ok for a while, but could return immediately, or not happen for a few weeks. Obviously there is a problem, but i just wish i was adjacent to a service centre, or vodafone shop when it happens so i could immediately take it into them. Come on Sony get your finger out and address this problem before a phone catches fire


Yes Sony phones overheat! Yes they have overheat protection... That doesn't always work. Yes Sony is lying so they don't have to recall again. I am on a z5 that still has the unfixed problem. Come on Sony we are not all simple.

Guess we go back to Samsung???

I love Sony, but twice now I've had issues with their phones and I think I'm done with Xperias. Great products until something goes wrong...


I have a Sony experia z and IT close down while IT get rather Warg quickly, as i want to use IT to record With Its really annoying and for the first time i got a serious problem With My Sony ! What to do?

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I have the Xperia Z5 and mine overheats but it won't get really hot it will just go really slow

i have Sony Xperia Xa dual 

Its really good but one problem that when i use any app after 10/15 min latter i feel its too much hot how can i solve this problem