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40EX403 show pictures not music on DLNA server

40EX403 show pictures not music on DLNA server

I've got a KDL40EX403 that was working OK until this week for streaming music from my Buffalo Linkstation Duo Pro NAS drive. The Buffalo is acting as a DLNA server.

I used to be able to browse into the "Music" menu on the Bravia and then it would show all the music on the NAS drive - all the search modes worked as expected. Now under the Music menu it just shows the picture folders on the NAS drive instead and none of the music ones.

Browsing to the same NAS drive from the Sony BD /  E670 home cinema system correctly shows the music on the NAS/DLNA drive. Ditto for browsing to it using Windows Media player as a DLNA client.

The firmware on the Bravia is currently PKG4.085EUL-108

Automatic updates were on so I suspect that the Bravia has updated its firmware - possibly this being the reason it suddenly stopped working.

Anyone else seen this problem or got any other suggestions.

It still works OK from a Windows Media player DLNA server to the Bravia.

Not impressed by cross device support on DLNA in general. It certainly doesn't meet the hype.



Hmm - music is normally a very straightforward one for most DLNA servers to cope with. Assuming you are streaming mp3?

I would try doing a factory reset of the TV and  delete the existing DLNA clients on the TV. Its possible that they have somehow become corrupted with the recent firmware updates so this should set them straight. Once you have deleted them, then you can simply re-scan and they should re-appear.

Indeed DLNA is still a bit frustrating and certainly in terms of the feature set, doesn't seem to have advanced much in the last few years.

Let us know how you get on.


Eduzzel, Thanks. That fixed it.
Now all I need is the DLNA client to support streaming the same video types as can be played from a USB memory device and I'll be happy.:smileygrin:

Agreed, I think best workaround at the moment is have a software transcoder do the conversion on the fly via your PC or NAS.
