KDL-40CX523 & long programmes on iPlayer


KDL-40CX523 & long programmes on iPlayer

When I try to watch the Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony on iPlayer I only get about half an hour in & get a 'Content Error' with Retry/Cancel buttons. I can't wind past the half hour, stopping at any point after gives the same error. Everything else on iPlayer seems OK. I've had this problem before with a full F1 coverage programme (a similar length, over 3 hours). iPlayer help pages have this note: "Please note that there can be a lengthy encoding process involved in making some programmes of 2 hours or more available on BBC iPlayer for some platforms." I'm guessing something is wrong with the encoding for my platform. No reply from the BBC to my query. Has anyone else seen this problem? Does the Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony play OK on the iPlayer app on other Sony equipment?

Thank you Quinnicus, for your efforts in trying to get some clarity as to what has happenned. I am at a loss however in understanding why it is MY job to chase this up with the BBC and not Sony's, since it is clearly a global problem affecting many users of Sony TVs and I assumed that Sony had some sort of relationship with Iplayer developers at the BBC to ensure compatibility with their HD televisions. I can't believe they expect their customers to chase this up. Wringing their hands and saying 'its the BBC's fault' not ours and leaving it at that is poor customer service in my opinion. Thank you for your efforts in this case.
Not applicable

Hi there


That is a bloody good question! :slight_smile: Didnt even think of that, and I agree to be honest.


Let me put that to Sony Support and see - I'll get back to you. 




Thank you ! :slight_smile:

Not applicable

Hi there All


I think there are two issues at hand here:

  1. HD Content failing to play.
  2. Long videos failing to play.


1. iPlayer HD Content on 'older' Smart TV's

Unfortunately this issue cannot be resolved.  I am not allowed to go into all the details - however in time Sony will issue a statement on this.


In short, the BBC has changed the format of the content being played, of which is incompatible with some 'older' smart TVs for HD playback.  This is the same with other manufacturers as well.


2. Long videos cut out

This issue got lost in the HD content problem - and will persue an answer for this as well - will post back when I have one :slight_smile:




The BBC has waited till the programme expired, then replied to me stating they can't investigate the problem any further because the programme has expired.


It looks like I'm wasting my time reporting faults.


They don't even have a simple reply fnction, I have to go right through the webform every time.



Not applicable

Im onto this one @huxley123  However I will be honest here, if there is a fix for this - it is extremely unlikely it will happen soon or quickly.


Just to let you know, I have escalated this to Sony Support with an explanation that you have already tried BBC Support (predicting that the answer would be "contact BBC")  - hopefully it works.  Ill get back to you when I hear anything.




Thank you Quinnicus, I'll look forward to what Sony have to say.


I've just opened iPlayer on my TV today to be presented with a message that this version will no longer be available after September.



Not applicable

I guess this problem (and thread) is a mute point now.  Im wondering is this issue and various others over the last few months contributed to the BBC making this decision.


We may never know....


Just linking to this thread:



Same here - 40CX423, message along the top saying it will no longer be supported. On "old TVs"? I paid for fibre to the home broadband a few months back just so we can watch iPlayer and the like without buffering. 21st century Britain, isn't it wonderful?  


Anyway I will be OK using my BDP-S195 Blu-Ray player. Let's check it. Oh. Same message.


How about the bedroom telly, KDL24EX320BU? Oh dear oh dear, same again.


Thanks a bunch Sony and the BBC. In one month I will go from 3 to zero ways to watch iPlayer on the television. Now if I owned 3 recently bought machines, I would be really upset.


I am really upset. That is, unless someone from Sony can tell me either 1) They will be continuing support for one or more of these or 2) There is a near-zero cost (like £19.99 for example) alternative way to enable me to get iPlayer on them. By the way BBC, the license fee sounds like a very good way for you to pay to enable me to continue watching the programs I pay for. Just cancel Eastenders to pay for it, the programme is vile and depressing. I would pay extra for you to do this.