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KDL-42W653A I player problems


KDL-42W653A I player problems

Hi there,


For the past month or so i've been having increasing issues with i-player on my KDL-42W653A. I can navigate without issue and start a program. However, at random intervals i get an error message:


"Something went wrong playing this programme.

This is usually a temporary problem and could be related to your internet connection.  You can this program again or try a different programme."


Once the message pops up, the program stops and i cant restart the program. Most times i have to turn the TV on and off at the plug to enable iplayer to even work again...


I've got the latest FW, im on a wireless connection which is working without issue on my other devices. I've reset the TV twice and reset my fibre router many times but it makes no difference.


Any advice or tips would be much appreciated. Its really getting to the point where i just dont enjoy the i player app anymore.. Do i really have to get another box instead of this so called smart tv..




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Does anyone have any advice on what i could do? this is really driving me quite mad! happened today 4 times watching MasterChef. each time i have to turn TV off and on again ... any help much appreciated.



Not applicable

Hi there


As you have the lastest firmware installed and you have reset the TV - with no effect, I think its time to go through some troubeshooting.


The first thing to do, is to rule a wireless issue out.  Can you please connect an ethernet cable to the TV and change the network settings on the TV accordingly.  Then test iPlayer.  Please reply back on how it goes?





i have this problem too. Had it watching F1 yesterday and today.Did you find a solution ?