No subtitles on BBC i-Player

No subtitles on BBC i-Player

I'm very disappointed to find that, seemingly, subtitles for hard of hearing are unavailable on BBC i-Player on the Sony Bravia Internet "service". Or am I missing something? And when is ITV Player going to appear? I was told by the shop last June that it would be coming shortly! Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks.

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Hi there

Subtitles via iPlayer is purely in the hands of the BBC and not Sony.  Sony provide the services in which you connect to the iPlayer, but has very little input after that.

In regards to the ITV player, Search these forums in regards to that and 4OD.  But the quick answer is, in the forseeable future, they will not be coming to Sony TV's  You would have been informed that the ITV player would be coming to freeview last June by way of a device called Youview.  Youview is not a Sony device.

I hope that clears things up for you.

Well, I contacted the BBC and they seemed to think that my Blu-Ray player (BDP-S185) should show iplayer subtitles, but it doesn't. After all, the BBC iplayer streaming files contain subtitles (as shown when using a PC), but the software on the Sony doesn't enable them to be seen, Why doesn't Sony provide a firmware update which will access a more recent version of iplayer?