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2 sony battery or not to sony battery?


2 sony battery or not to sony battery?

What is it with sonys' batteries?

Either they dont match their potential energy timing stated in specs or they're just flaring and eventually blowing themselves up along with your Vaio,

Check this out I recently found a review and guess what they still arent showing any results in this sector.

''Toshiba said on Tuesday it will replace about 340,000 laptop computer batteries made by Sony - the latest in a string of Sony battery woes.

The batteries, used in Dynabook and Dynabook Satellite laptops manufactured between March and May this year, could fail on the road because of problems with storing,heating up and transmitting power, according to a Toshiba spokesman.

The spokesman declined to estimate the cost of the move, saying it would not affect profits, and would not say whether Toshiba was asking Sony to foot the bill.

Toshiba said the faulty batteries would not cause fires and that battery failure would occur "only in rare cases" but that the battery could fail regardless of how carefully it is used.

Last month Apple and Dell recalled almost six million Sony-made laptop PC batteries saying they could produce smoke and catch fire.

Sony are doing a total no no with this one. Everytime I use my battery its only on for a quarter of an hour and the surface its placed on has already began spewing lava, ash, and gravel due to its volcanic activity.

Only a month old too- I'm sticking to AC for my power dont want my house blowing up got too many electric/heat absorbent items around.


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Sony as I'm sure you know claim that the main issue is with the way the battery charges in the devices, as this is different for the different manufacturers although it is worrying, I rememebr a few years back sony ericsson phone chargers were recalled due to a number exploding, one killing people by burning down their house. I pressume sonys charging mechanism is ok otherwise they would look rather stupid and lose credibility if they have made false claims.


There is no risk from a Sony battery blowing up. See this


Phewww, good to know but I just cant help but notice that the batteries do get rather hot if you know what I mean. Not to mention all the battery problems that keep popping up.

Lets hope sony bring on something like a real SONY battery that will match its specs and do the whole Sony Vaio wowness justice.:smileyhappy:

According to the last Sony report, they're saying that the VAIO has no problems with this, due to the way Sony make their battery bay.