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80GB/Go HDD - 67 GB


80GB/Go HDD - 67 GB

I recently got a SONY VGN-FE21B, the configuration on paper shows 80 GB of HDD. But I could locate only 67 GB(C and D drives). Can someone tell me how to view the actual HDD size and if a discepancy of 13-15 GB is ok.


Hi k1cker,

Welcome to Club Vaio, :slight_smile:

Please start a new thread when posting a different question...:smileyhappy:

To restore you Vaio you can either goto Start > All programs > Vaio Recovery tool and click on Vaio Recovery Utility or Insert the System Recovery disc set that's if you have created a recovery disc set...:smileyhappy:

Here is the Official Sony guide on how to recover a Vaio.. Simply select your model from the list...:smileywink:

thank you !
vaio the best:smileycool:

but i want to know how can i recover my laptop when it "broken" or how to say, maybe suspend ))
for example if i don't create recovery discs and my os window mc don't loading. What i must doing to recover my vaio?

with respect from russia