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I have installed a new video card saphire 9600xt on my vaio but the agp speed is only 1X.
there is no place in the bios to change the agp speed, so I don t have a any idea to setup the agp speed to 4X.
another post in this forum report a similar problem with another ati card ... it is very disapointed to be able to use all the power of a such video card ...
any experience with a such problem.
thanks for any answers and help
Is the mainboard compatble with a AGP 8x gpu?
1x uses other voltages then the rest
the mainboard is compatible to 4X. with ago 2.0
the previous video card Nivia MX 460 used agp4X ...
I don t understant and I don t know if the problem comes from the mainboard and bios or video card ...
why buy a good card for an old system, you can never use it completely since the mainboard+cpu can't keep up.
I have planned to upgrade cpu, motherboard and ram for the end of this year. but for the moment I have juste changed the video card for airplane simulation game.
the limitation to 4X is not important because the difference of performance betwenn 4X and 8X is very small ...
any idea for the limitation to 1X with this motherboard ?
get a new computer and just put the card in there...
I am noy very familar with ATI's control panel, but NVIDIA has a feature to select your AGP setting at 1X, 2X or 4X. Try going to Display properties and select advanced. Your ATI control panel should be there. See if that feature is there.
get a new computer and just put the card in there...