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A few problems with my Sony vaio Vpcec2s0e.

A few problems with my Sony vaio Vpcec2s0e.

Hey, recently i have updated my old hard drive to a solid state drive, i had to do a clean install, meaning i couldnt keep and programs or updates.

My problems with my laptop now are:

my ESATA port no longer works. ( One of the more important things.)

I get an error that says the program is already installed when trying to install setting utility series.

i get an error saying, the program isnt installed when trying to install 'PMB VAIO edition plugins"

I also get an error when trying to install 'Vaio event service" saying it can not update. even though i have nothing installed and it is the original software that came with the laptop. ( another important thing i would like to fix)

Here is a link to my laptops driver downloads:

i hope you can help, thanks in advance