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Hi all, I am using Vista Ultimate on my AR21S and all is well except for the Camera Utility (V2.0.00.13100) When I installed it I'm sure that it failed as it appeared to close just as the installer started to install the files. I have tried on several occasions to install the utility but it fails in the same manner everytime. Has anyone else experienced this, if so has anyone got around it? Cheers
same problem... anyone solved?
I've an AR21M and run Vista now (it all worked under XP) and I can get the Viewer to work but it cannot find the camera - nor can I, it just appears as unrecognised in device manager despite reinstalling drivers from XP. Still waiting on reply from Sony Solutions.
think you might have to wait for sony to release an updated set of drivers for vista. i have AR11M and am using XP and it works fine.