Bad Sound on New VGN-C1S/W


Bad Sound on New VGN-C1S/W


2 days ago, i bought this really fine Laptop.

So on installing fresh new system and my tools, i hear, that the sounds of this notebook is really bad.

I used before a Dell D600 and Amilo laptops, and the sound of these laptops are very good.

So on starting windos, all sounds heard for me, as upper tones are missing. Tones not so brilliant, or higher is missing.

I found 4/8 settings in Bios. But it makes only louder, not better in sound (instead of better high tones).

So is this normal? Or is this Notebook so choppy in sound?

I was in store and tried another Laptop, i mean it was similar to mines. But it was too loud in store for a good comparing!

Thanks for your answers



same prob here im waitinf for sony to reply to my case


Today i swapped my notebook to another VGN-C1S, and i have the same problems!

And another problemm occours:
When you move the USB mouse, you hear sounds from laptop, like scratching loudness.

So you hear some processor sounds or something.

So, what have you done?
messaged Sony? What do they say?

Please let me know, because, this is very frustrating me. High quality Laptop with such kiddy problems.

Hi united24 and welcome to Club Vaio.

Try turning off Smooth Scrolling - this can cause audio interference and screeching when using the mouse.

1. On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click 'Internet Options', and then click the 'Advanced' tab.
2. Click to clear the 'Use smooth scrolling' check box.

I'm not convinced it will cure the problem but it may help. You may have to wait for Sony's response.
