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Hi all! I have new VAIO VPCEB1E1E and have a problem with charging batery. Till it reachs 80% everything is OK, baterry is charging (when I set pointer icon of batery, it shows "80% ready (connected, charging)") , but when batery has 80%, it stops charging (when I set pointer icon of batery, it shows "80% ready (connected, not charging )")
Whats wrong?
SK translation:
Zdravim, mam nove VAIO a mam problem pri nabijani baterky. Konkretne ide o to, ze pokym dosiahne 80%, nabija sa normalne, ale nad 80 sa jednoducho nedostane. Do 80% mi pri ukazani na ikonu baterie napise "70% k dispozícii (zapojená, nabíja sa)", akonahle vsak dosiahne 80%, nabijat sa prestane- ukazuje "80% k dispozícii (zapojená, nenabíja sa )" Co s tym?
Hi Dusankoo and welcome.
Your Vaio has a 'Battery Care' function that restricts the maximum charge (in your case to 80%) to prolong battery life. This battery care function stops repeated recharging to 100% for Vaios that are usually run from mains power.
You can turn this battery care function off or change the 80% limit using Vaio Control Centre: -
1 Click Start, All Programs, and VAIO Control Center.
2 Click Power Management and Battery.
Thanks a lot, now its OK
maybe I let that batery care turned ON, I was just nervous why it cant reach full percentage
Now is my VAIO perfect