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battery only charges to 85%


battery only charges to 85%

I have a Sony Vaio which i have recently purchased and the battery will only charge to 85%.
Can anyone help me.
Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi Mrs Cry A Lot.

You are very welcome to Club Vaio.

Some Vaios have a Battery Care Function that restricts the maximum charge in order to prolong battery life. You don't tell us the type of your Vaio so I cannot check if you have this feature.

If you have this feature you can turn this off if you prefer 100% charges: -

Start -> All Programs -> VAIO Control Center -> System Information -> VAIO Status Monitor -> Power/Performance Settings -> Battery Care Function



Hi Mrs Cry A Lot.

You are very welcome to Club Vaio.

Some Vaios have a Battery Care Function that restricts the maximum charge in order to prolong battery life. You don't tell us the type of your Vaio so I cannot check if you have this feature.

If you have this feature you can turn this off if you prefer 100% charges: -

Start -> All Programs -> VAIO Control Center -> System Information -> VAIO Status Monitor -> Power/Performance Settings -> Battery Care Function


Thank you very much for your help it is really appreciated. i would be grateful if you may be able to answer 1 more question for me. My battery seems to drain very quickly. I only have a mouse connected and the wireless connection switched on. I fyou are able to answer this question it would be really appreciated

Can you tell us which model you have and how long the battery lasts?
