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My VGN N21 MW has the above BSOD with error code shown.I have tried every thing.
Bought two recovery discs from Sony £40+
Bought aother disc over internet £12
Non of thes have worked
Ihave tried to boot in safe mode/Last known good configorations non have worked I get the blue screen with same error code.The F10 does not work.
I have a recovery disc for another sony which gets so far but then displays error message like(wrong cd??)
at one stage I got info saying HAL missing .Any help appreciated. Carl
Hi Carl,
Does this help?
If you do cannot borrow a Windows 7 installation disc, I think it is possible to download a repair disc from Microsoft. Come back here if you need help finding it.
Most gratefull for your help,unfortunately I do not know anyone who has Winbdows 7 disc .Carl
You can download a Vista Repair Disc from here: -
However, I am not sure this will cure your problem. If you have tried a full system recovery from the Recovery Discs then all system files will have been overwritten.
After using the Recovery Discs and running Vaio Update to update all software, do you have this problem straight away or is it only after you have added some software?
Thanks recovery discs do not work at all, when i start wth disc 1 in drive all that happens the ble screen appears. Regards Carl