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Call me cheap but...i need a vista mce remote


Call me cheap but...i need a vista mce remote


u can call me cheap but i'm sure there are many of us, though we do own a vaio, and a tosh, and optoma, and a... well u know... money is definitely an important factor

so this is the thing

i need a universal remote control. i saw one of these years ago in a magazine. it had an lcd display, back light, controlled absolutely everything and made you a cup of tea.

i know about the logitech 1000 but thats got about 5 zeros after it!!! i need 1 that can control at least 6 units including mce on vista (xl 301) with a back light. ah and ideally one of those where you press one button and all your units come on at the same time...

google says i cant get one at the price i want, but i'm sure my freinds here at vaio can help me

my budget?

less than a £100 :wink:


We use the Harmony 885, probably around £140.00 but does everything & yes one button turns on everything (except the kettle)