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Can anyone help please? Can't get my Vaio back!

Can anyone help please? Can't get my Vaio back!

My Vaio desktop VGC1-LT1M  has been back & forward to Sony since end of July.  Initially in to have free replacement NVidia Graphics card.  On return, new problem with screen & graphics also.  Also Window Media Centre unable to work as video driver not working.  Back to Repair Centre who diagnosed fault with screen although there had been no problem before first repair.  Eventually agreed to pay for this repair just to get PC back.  Other problems to be dealt with also. Restored to factory settings but as soon as tried to install any updates, Vaio failed - stating operating system not found.  Tech Support tried restoring with use of recovery disks but same problem.  Back to Repair Centre, supposedly fixed but operating system lost again on trying any update.  Back to Repair Centre for final time.  Have now decided problem with hard drive but that was at the end of October.  Agreed with Customer Services on 29/10 that they would install new hard drive & perform updates themselves to ensure all ok.  I have still not got the PC back or heard anything since then apart from an email from Repair Centre 12/11 advising me that the item was not in stock & had been ordered.  Customer Support at Weybridge are not replying  to my emails or voicemail messages.  I am loathe to contact the premium line number as we spent over £50 on calls in the Summer.  Does anyone have any advice please?  Am really well past the end of my patience.  I think ideally I would like the contact details of somebody very high up so that I can make a big complaint.


Hi g.and.t.girl,

welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:

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