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Can't get s-video out to work at all (C1S)


Can't get s-video out to work at all (C1S)

Hi. I just got a C1S vaio and want to conncet it to my TV. I've already successfulyl connected a monitor to the VGA port, but I can't find how to even turn the s video output on.

I'm using an svideo cable from the laptop to the tv's, and defiantely have the right channel. But when i go to the graphics properties (intel integrated btw), I don't see any meniton of s-video or tv anywhere.

The windows display properties only ever shows two displays (even thoguht the s-video is a third one).

In the end I thought maybe it was an s video input but it clearly says svideo out next to the port.

ANy help is appreciated. thanks


Does noone use their s-video?

I'm sure someone here uses it and any help at all wil be appreciated..


I don't have a C1S but a K215B, I assume they're similar...

On the K215B you need to connect the TV to the computer and THEN hit the external video output hotkey. On the K215B this involves holding down the 'Fn' key and pressing 'F7'.

As an afterthought, you may need to disconnect the external VGA monitor. Your system may not be able to handle three video outputs.



Tried that. with jsut the tv connected, the FN+F7 options are LCD only and setup.

when a montiro is conected to the vga port, these options change to lcd only, ext.monitor only, both, or setup.

so it's never recognising there's a tv present.

Is there any chance they have simply left the svideo there but not enabled? Maybe only the C1Z with dedicated graphics can use it?

Noticed that the light for bluetooth exists on my laptop but i don't have bluetooth so maybe this is a similar situation (although quite wierd).


Checked out the manual for the C1S/G it says bluetooth is only present in certains models whereas TV out is standard in all.

It makes a point of saying that you should switch the TV to the correct input. Have you done this?

Must admit I've had trouble with TV out before. One solution I think I had was to set the second display as an extension of my desktop. You can do this by going to Display Properties ---> Settings ---> Click on the second monitor ---> Check "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor"