Can't turn on my VGN.A115M


Can't turn on my VGN.A115M

I don' know why but my Vaio VGN-A115M doesn't turn on. When I connect to AC, the system status light and the battery light (with or without battery)are off and, slowly, they start to shine until both are orange. Just one time I press on button and the laptop turned on, but just once. If the battery isn't in the laptop, it do the same (I think battery has no charge). I don't know if the internal battery is dead or something and the ligth colors are because it's being charged. The last time I could turn on the Vaio, system light turned to green and the batttery light turned off, and all seemed to work ok, but then I turned off the vaio and I'm still waiting.


Welcome to the forum,
one major problem with Vaio's is if you yank the ac power jack out the result is an expensive repair. The socket cannot merely be replaced. The whole harness need to be replaced which is a Vaio Link level 2 repair (up around the £700 mark) due to the harness needing to be soldered back onto the motherboard...not for the faint hearted. If you haven't accidently damaged the ac socket then I would take it either into PC World for a repair or if you have warranty make a case with Vaio Link and get it picked up.