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Clean Reinstall


Clean Reinstall

Hi, I'm just after some info. I've just purchased a Vaio VGN-A417M and boy, is there a lot of programs installed that I'll never use. The previous owner said he had restored it to it's brand new status using the recovery discs.
I was wondering, when you reinstall Windows, do you get a choice of which programs it installs or does the recovery disc just shove everything back on again?

Sorry if it's an obvious answer, these Vaios seem different to all the other laptops I've had. All the others worked like a desktop, format the HDD, reinstall Windows and sort out your drivers. I've never had to use recovery discs before.


After reinstalling windows you should be able to select which bundled apps you want to install.

Hi Reaver,

Here is a link on how to restore your Vaio Notebook to it's original configuration

As your Vaio has a hard drive recovery system I think the application instalation is automatic and ALL the applications are restored as per the instructions below..

17 Once restarted, the following message will appear, prompting you to start the application recovery:

18 Click OK to start the application recovery process.
19 When this process is complete, you will be prompted to restart your machine. Once restarted, your VAIO will be restored to its original condition.

Once all the applications are installed are installed you will have to remove the ones you do not require by using add and remove programs..:smileysad:


Thank you for your replies, I hate been a newbie.

Well, it's official, I hate recovery discs :laughing:

Is there anyway I can remove the 3 partitions that I have on my hardrive? I'd prefer to have the drive as one big drive (80gb) instead of having 3 at different sizes, I just prefer it that way as it's what I'm used to. I'm presuming that I'm going to hate those recovery discs even more as I guess that using them will put those partitions back if I delete them?

Any ideas?

Also while I'm posting, is there any way to get email notification when someone replies to a thread or do you have to add them manually to the watch list?

Thank you again

Hi Reaver,

Perhaps here is something you will like about the Recovery Discs !

When following Thalamus's instructions "original configuration" - in step 10 choose "C: & 😧 Drive Recovery - Change Partition Sizes".

You will be given the options to Remove the Recovery Partition and to Remove D:\.

Make an extra set of Recovery Discs - just in case ..............!

Try ticking the box at the bottom of the window when you are posting a thread that says "Watch this Thread".
