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where can i get driver for cd-rw CR830E?
Drivers for Optical Drives are provided by the Windows Operating System. Probably Windows 2K or XP for your Vaio.
There may be a firmware revision - what Vaio do you have - something like PCG-GRTxxx.
You don't say what problem you are having?
the problem that i have is that the computer dont recognize the optical driver so i cant use the windows operating system.
Perhaps the drive is faulty. Did it work OK before?
yes the drive was work exelent before
do you know where i can download the driver?
If the drive will not accept a bootable disc it is nothing to do with drivers because Windows is not yet loaded. The problem is that the CMOS is not recognising the drive.
Check in the BIOS that the CD/DVD-ROM drive is recognised by the CMOS system so that it can boot without Windows. Check that the BOOT sequence is (1) HDD, (2) CD/DVD-ROM, (3) etc.
When you can boot Windows - then you need the Drivers provided as part of Windows: -
You haven't said what model you have. You can download all the drivers from the Sony Support website but you need the model type. If you have a PCG-GRT800 Series, the downloaded drivers are these: -
I cannot see chipset drivers there - only the NorthBridge.inf
In my view, either the drive is broken or it is not being recognised by the BIOS. See what is shown on the BIOS screens.
thank you ill try that