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I recently bought my vaio notebook vgn-a217m on November 17. The DVD/CD drive began not to read or write CDs after about a week. I sent my notebook back to Sony and they returned it with a message that they replaced the drive. Now about a week after the problem is back. I cannot watch dvds or listen to music or install software. I know a friend of mine who has had problems with drive of his new vaio notebook. Is this only my problem or there is a technical problem sony is not aware of. Anybody having a similar problem? Any ideas of sorting this problem. Thanks


I had problems with my CD/DVD drive as well. I used DVD +RW, which were not detected by the the drive (also unused ones from TDK). According to the specifications there should be no problem. A call with the Dutch helpdesk from Sony learned that there are often problems with the +R and +RW types. They recommended me to only use -RW or -R types. Since I do that I did not encounter problems anymore.


I too have problems with my CD/DVD drive, it is having sever difficulties identifying CDs and DVDs. I bought the notebook (VAIO VGN-A295HP) in early november 2004, and now not even 2 months later it is having problems.
I'm using mine in my own company, and I need my laptop, I can't send it off to france or whatever and have it repaired, but I guess I have too. I have called SONY VAIO support, which says that it'll take 10 working days.
SONY if you are listening, do something, and fast, you won't get any good remarks from me after this, bad quality on a machine as expensive as this is unacceptable!

/Tobias - Sweden


Yes same problem here. Suddenly my CRX 830E on my VGN A195EP has stopped reading normal CDs. This was also bought around November time 2004. It stopped working at the end of December. Drive makes noises but no longer operates.


I am having a similar problem with the DVD/CD drive on my VGN-A217S.

If there is a DVD (I've not tried this with a CD) in the drive and the laptop comes out of standby/hybernate mode, the drive will continuously try to read the disk over and over again. I am completely unable to even eject the disk, as the drive's motor winds up and down. My only option is to hold the power button to reboot the machine, as there is no time-out. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I've only had the laptop for about a week and love the machine, but this his highly frustrating!



I recently bought my vaio notebook vgn-a217m on November 17. The DVD/CD drive began not to read or write CDs after about a week. I sent my notebook back to Sony and they returned it with a message that they replaced the drive. Now about a week after the problem is back. I cannot watch dvds or listen to music or install software. I know a friend of mine who has had problems with drive of his new vaio notebook. Is this only my problem or there is a technical problem sony is not aware of. Anybody having a similar problem? Any ideas of sorting this problem. Thanks

hi aim having the same problem on the sony a215m please advise if you got any help to fix? thanks


Add another knackered DVD/CD drive to the list. It's in a 3 month old VGN A215M and has suddenly stopped reading discs, opting instead to make some rather unhealthy noises.

Anyone got any ideas? Have Sony shipped a shoddy drive?


And another one :slight_frown: ,

I bought me a S2VP last November which is one of the most expensive VAIO notebooks available and Sony is advertising it as a business notebook.
After about one month it suddenly started to read no Video DVDs but comes back with an I/O-Error. It sometimes can read Data DVDs after scatching over their surface for 5-10 minutes. I still can read and burn CDs.
I am currently working in the US for several months and can not return the notebook to Sony because I haevily depend on it.

I am really pissed off! Sony seems to have some severe quality issues besides being very slow in providing SW updates for drivers atc.


I replied to a similar post in this forum (I dont know how to search for it properly.I tried). My Sony A297XP DVD/CD drive packed up a week after I bought the laptop. At that stage I had successfully copied about 80 CD's for my IPOD. I thought I might have been rough in opening and closing it or something. Now having read all your posts I think differently.

I couldn't read ANY sort of CD or DVD. I called Sony and they asked me to do a recovery with the recovery disk!! Needless to say it couldn't read that either!

They replaced the drive and it's now working fine altough I have only used it sparingly...I reckon the same thing will happen again and I'm outside the EU where I bought the laptop so I would have to post it to them myself if/when the problem reoccurs.

Those of you who think Sony are going to admit to a manufacturing fault better think again!:smileyangry:


By the way, have you all noticed that the machines reported in this thread with the problem are all the "2" series? As far as I can recall most of the are Dual Layer format you think that might have somthing to do with it...that maybe they were rushed out to production before being properly tested?