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DVD drive spinning constantly, causing heat


DVD drive spinning constantly, causing heat

When I have a disc in my DVD drive on my PCG-K415B, it seems to spin constantly (causing excessive heat after a while, as you can imagine). The only solution to this is to leave the drive open, which is hardly ideal. When the disc is being accessed normally (e.g. if I am playing a game when a game disc is in the drive) it seems to be intermittent, otherwise it is fairly often. How can I fix this? It has only started doing it recently, it is not disc-specific or type-specific (ie both software CDs and movie DVDs are affected) and the hard disc access light is usually on when the disc spins

EDIT: The drive is a Sony DW-D56A, I've tried reinstalling the firmware (I have the latest version already) and that has made no difference.



Well, lets try whether it's software related.
Do a reboot and press several times F8 button. Start in safe-mode and login as admin.
Then try any disks (music, data, dvd-video). If you still have the same problem, then your drive has a problem. If everything works normal (no constantly spinning) then remember the last software you installed. (It could be the reason of your problem)


Thank you for the suggestion - unfortunately I have tried Safe Mode (and a full reset using the Recovery DVD) and the problem is still there - so I am going to buy an external DVD drive. Thanks again.


Hello, I have the dame drive in my Vaio, it also sonstantly spins when a Disc is in the drive, I'm guessing it's just what that drive does annoyingly so, one of the many faults on these machines.


The read head is constantly searching for a track,the drive could need cleaning,or the drive is failing to read properly.

Is it in warranty?

If not you may be right it would be easier to go with an external burner. I use mine more than the fully operational burner installed in my desktop.