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Erstellung einer Recovery-DVD


Erstellung einer Recovery-DVD

Hallo Leute!
Habe schon zig mal versucht über VAIO-Recovery-Utility meine Daten zu sichern!
Keine chance! Bei der ersten DVD brennt er bis zu 6% und dann hört er auf!
Hat jemand ne Idee?
Hab alles so gemacht wie in der Anleitung - aber es geht nicht!

Danke schonmal für eure Ideen!


Sorry for replying in English - you may understand it better than my German!
Just to say that I am having EXACTLY the same problem with my new TX3:
(for those without German, the Make Recovery Disc process always fails when the DVD dics become approx. 6% full)
I have been trying to use Tevion discs (which seem to work with all my other systems) - probably going to have to drive 100km to get some Sony media as the only help seems to be: "Some types of Media do not work"

Can anyone suggest which makes of media work/do not work on Sony laptops?

This is a common problem. Sony VAIO Link should be informed.
Hopefully it's fixed very soon.
Community Team

Basically, it is impossible to recommend a specific brand/type of media.

Compatibility depends a.o. on:
- the individual optical drive (this might be different per VAIO model)
- firmware version
Media that even might look exactly the same (brand, type of media, specifications, packaging etc.) are not necessarily identical due to a lot of variables:
country of origin, which factory it was made in exactly, which production line in that factory, time of production, changes to small details on the dye and or coating of a DVD etc.

The only thing that we can recommend is to use media of a well-known respected brand, bought by a respected vendor.

The recovery media can be tested by performing a recovery.

Thanks for the feedback Vaio-link

Would it not just be easier to simply supply a set of Recovery DVD's with every Vaio...:smileyconfused:


habe das selbe problem gehabt versuch es mal mit anderen rohlingen hatte erst billige von einer spindel dann bessere verbatim damit gings