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FE41Z + Vista-Logon


FE41Z + Vista-Logon


My fabric new FE41Z causes a small but anoying problem, and I wonder if it is "normal" for a FE41Z or for any other Vaio with Vista:
Whenever I log on to vista the screen will flash black (1sec.) after about 5 seconds. After the flash the desktop is back like it was before it. Same when I log out...
I have all windows updates, and the Nvidia graphics are up to date.

Is it possible that a preinstalled (sony-)program starting in the background causes the black-flash?

Thanks for any help!


I think this is normal... both my Vista laptops do this (though both are sony)
Doubt it is a sony app though as mine are all clean installs and never use Sony recovery - having said that, I do install various sony tools

But the bottom line is, even with just vista installed and nothing else- not even the relevant extra drivers and sony apps, it still does the flash

I assume it is something to do with the graphics card being initiated or something - who knows but Vista does like to flash a lot.
For instance, when asking for permission on various Admin things, it does not only bring up the error message but it feels it needs to flash too

This to me sounds graphics because the flash seems to be needed in order to dim the background but not the error box